
Letter from the Directors.

We have now had our first two face-to-face meetings.  Thank you to those who attended.  We hope to see you all again soon.  So far, the meetings haven’t had specific agendas.  They are simply a way of getting people together to exchange experiences and views in a very casual setting, knowing everyone will be given a sympathetic and empathetic ear.

The meetings will continue as follows, for the remainder of the year…

May 9

June 6

July 4

Aug  *No Meeting*

Sept 5

Oct 3

Nov 7

Dec 5

These are all Mondays, in Beverley Library (Reference Section), starting at 2.30pm and continuing until 4.30pm at the latest.  Please note you don’t have to be there for the duration and may arrive and leave as and when you like.  It will be useful for you to let us know a few days ahead if you mean to attend ([email protected]). Note however, this is not then a commitment.  There will be times when you are just not well enough and we shall understand if you don’t make it.  This uncertainty situation goes with the territory of course.  We’ve all been there!

Drinks will be available.

The Make-up of Our Group

Everyone who has been in contact with the group in any way, whether website, email, social media, or meeting, will be considered a “Contact” and can freely continue to use all of these.  They will also receive, by email, up-dates on anything relevant during the course of the year, items such as the memo you are now reading.

Membership of the group takes your involvement to another level.  Becoming a “Member” involves paying an annual membership fee of £10.  It indicates a willingness to make a small contribution towards the significant cost of running the group and will allow you to be involved in decision-making and voting on matters once the group has grown in size and nature to a point where such matters become necessary.  Several people, including those who have attended the first two meetings, have expressed an interest in becoming members.  We are, however, still in a situation where it will take another couple of months or so to get our new bank account up and running.  It has been decided that we shall not take money off anyone until the bank account situation is fully resolved and we have a standard method of paying.  Please be patient, those of you who are desperate to part with a tenner!

Further to this, there will be reduced amounts to pay for people who do so during the course of their first year of membership, with “the group’s year” corresponding to the tax year.  This staggered arrangement will work as follows…

Join April, May or June…… pay £10.00

Join July, August or Sept……pay £7.50

Join Oct., Nov. or Dec………. pay £5.00

Join Jan., Feb. or March…….pay £2.50

Then, as the new group year begins, if you wish to continue with your membership for at least one more year you will pay £10.00.

Any queries or comments anyone wishes to make, please email us on…

[email protected]

Wishing you all the best
